is an American superhero animated series that ran on the Cartoon Network and M6 broadcast channels between 2006 and 2010. The series is based on the popular Marvel Comics team, Fantastic Four. In Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes, the Fantastic Four go on multiple adventures where they battle various supervillains and encounter other superhero allies.
Here’s where you can watch Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes online.
Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes cast includes the voices of Hiro Kanagawa, Lara Gilchrist, Christopher Jacot, Brian Dobson, Sam Vincent, Paul Dobson, and Sunita Prasad.
This can be done through an online browser or the Disney Plus application. Simply follow these steps in order to sign up for Disney Plus:
When viewers sign up for Disney Plus, they get access to a ton of streaming content produced by Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilm, Pixar, 20th Century Fox, and National Geographic. A Disney Plus subscription comes in three types of plans:
The official synopsis for Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest Heroes reads:
“Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and Thing battle some of their greatest foes, including Doctor Doom, Ronan the Accuser, the Multiple Man, and Mole Man.”
For more Disney Plus updates, check out the poster for Loki Season 2 which features more returning cast members from the MCU. Also, seewhat Emilia Clarke had to say regarding the filming of Secret Invasion’s final fight.