During the Exiles' first mission, the group of mutant heroes from alternate dimensions encounter a version of Charles Xavier who may rival DC’s evil Superman. Unlike the mostly benevolent founder of the X-Men from Earth-616, the Professor X in this world is more like Magneto, committed to the extermination of humanity who has detained and tortured their world’s mutants. While the Exiles take on Charles’ villainous version of the X-Men, Mimic fights their leader, someone who perverts the memory of the man who gave the former criminal and many others a chance to become heroes.
The Exiles are individuals unhinged from time, tasked with traveling to alternate dimensions that need repair, either by allowing certain events to occur or preventing great catastrophes. Given a device called a Tallus and promises of returning home once their impossible task is accomplished, the group is teleported to a world where there is zero tolerance for mutants and superhumans. The Tallus explains they are to find a leader, “Your greatest teacher” whom most of the group assumes is Professor Charles Xavier. They attack a heavily guarded and fortified facility in Nevada and free Charles, who later reveals he is no leader or teacher. He reads their collective minds without consent and psychically knocks them unconscious so that he can continue his mission of Homo superior ascension.
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In Exiles #2 by Judd Winick and Mike McKone, the Exiles deal with guilt after learning about a massive mutant attack on Phoenix, Nevada where quarter of a million people have been rendered comatose by Xavier’s power. Calvin Rankin aka Mimic struggles with what to do. Back home on
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