The main protagonist of the Shonen-Anime,Dragon Ball, is Goku, the monkey-tailed hero born from the war-loving Saiyan race who was sent out from the Planet Saldana as an infant in order to conquer Earth. Raised by Grandpa Gohan without the influences of his bloodthirsty relatives, Goku grows up to become Earth's powerful protector, and it is many years before he meets another Saiyan and learns of his heritage — and his true name, Kakarot.
Vegeta makes his first appearance in Dragon Ball Z when he teams up with Nappa to find the legendary Dragon Balls in the hopes of wishing for immortality. It does not take them long to locate their fellow Saiyan living on Earth, although Goku's loyalties are aligned to the Z-Worriers as they defend their home planet. Vegeta was already aware of the Saiyan's presence on the planet and, like Raditz, refused to acknowledge Goku's foreign name, only ever referring to the Saiyan hero as Kakarot.
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For all the DC fans out there, here's a simple analogy — consider Superman, who is commonly known as Clark Kent to Earthlings, but Kryptonians such as General Zod make use of his birth name, Kal-El. It is much the same with Goku, who is only identified as Kakarot by his fellow Saiyans. Insisting on calling Goku by his Saiyan name was initially done as a taunt, to remind the hero of his devastating ancestry.
It was quite obvious to Vegeta that Goku was less-than-pleased about being part of the destructive Saiyan race, and he got a kick out of constantly reminding Goku of where he comes from. Saiyans were, after all, raised with the sole intent of traveling across the Universe and conquering planets along the way, to be sold on the galactic