The draenei Heritage questline revolves around the Tishamaat, an ancient sacrament once celebrated on Argus — a time for draenei to reflect on the burdens of their past, learn from them, and commit to moving forward. Many notable draenei travel to the Exodar to celebrate — even from as far away as Outland!
As part of the Tishamaat, we collect memory stones from various draenei, to symbolize letting go of painful memories that they have been carrying around with them. We've already reported on Velen and Hatuun's memory stones, and the stay awhile that hints at their reconciliation, but there are many other notable draenei who have been holding onto memories they're finally ready to move forward from.
Exarch Naielle was the leader of the Rangari, a faction of draenei scouts and hunters often tasked with gathering information for the protection of their people. When the orcs Durotan and Ogrim Doomhammer were very young, a group of Rangari took them to the hidden draenei city of Telmor — to help keep them safe from ogres. Later, when the orcish Horde began their genocide of the Draenei, it was the knowledge gained from this encounter that allowed Durotan to lead the orcs into Telmor, completely destroying the city.
Naielle tells us that she has been living in Terokkar Forest — the zone that Telmor was once located in — ever since the genocide. Only now, she is finally ready to leave her solitude and confront the guilt she's carried all these years.
Naielle's Memory Stone is about the regret she feels as leader of the Rangari, and how she believes they failed to foresee or prepare for the orcish