Affixes are the topic of the week for Dratnos and Tettles' GG WoW video! Tettles voices the argument that affixes have become too impactful and detract from the M+ experience, a sentiment shared by several prominent M+ pushers epitomized by this tweet from Ellesmere. Dratnos is more conflicted, and diagnoses this season with, more than anything, a case of a bad seasonal affix that plays particularly badly with certain affixes and/or against certain enemies in dungeons.
Quaking is always an affix that requires some thought and adjustment to play against, but it's situations where Quaking AND Thundering AND dangerous enemies with ground effects and/or Interrupting Shout-style effects are all interacting at once that lead to the worst experiences. Tettles argues that affixes place undue burden primarily on Healers but also on players with the abilities that counter them (Mass Dispel, Soothe effects), and the combination of affixes with intricate dungeon enemies is overloading and creates a feeling where each week we're glad that it's not last week anymore and then quickly come ot hate this week's affixes instead.
He thinks that it would be a mistake, however, to tone down the dungeon enemies so that they didn't interact unfavorably with affixes, and instead thinks the affixes should be the ones to have their impact reduced so that the mechanics of the dungeons themselves can take center stage. Dratnos and Tettles agree that several affixes overlap in particularly nasty ways with certain enemies or pulls — Explosive in large mob-count situations; Raging Sha in Temple of the Jade Serpent; and Quaking pretty much everywhere for example.