Lilith Games has announced that its upcoming gritty turn-based RPG Dislyte is set to launch an Open Beta for Android on May 10th. So if you’re based in the US or UK, you’re going to have a chance to play the game before the rest of the world.
The game blends mythology and fashion, throws in some turn-based battling and a decent art style and then swaggers around looking cocky. Like games do nowadays.
It’s all about collecting Espers, god-like creatures inspired by various mythologies from around the world. Which mythologies? Greek, Egyptian, Norse and more. Here’s a trailer.
The game features an interesting electronic soundtrack that blends into various gameplay mechanics to create something that sounds pretty unique. There’s gacha-ing too, which involves record scratching.
If you’d like to pre-register for Dislyte and bag some goodies before the open beta kicks off, you can click here to do just that. The beta will open up on May 10th.