Devil May Cry 5 is the sixth game in the Devil May Cry franchise and the fifth mainline title in the series. Following the story of a returning Dante, the action title sees players take on a variety of demons using the powers of all three playable characters in the aforementioned Dante, Nero, and newcomer to the Devil May Cry franchise V. The game was received well by fans and critics, and Devil May Cry 5 sold well in the weeks following its release.
Just two weeks after it first launched, Devil May Cry 5 had hit two million copies sold. In its first year of being available, the game had surpassed three million copies sold. Now, Devil May Cry 5 has hit another sales milestone, having reached a total of over five million units sold. This makes it the best-selling game in the franchise, topping Devil May Cry 4's sales of 4.8 million. The game's director, Hideaki Itsuno wished for this entry to be his best work, and with a sales figure topping the previous Devil May Cry games, many fans are hoping he now believes he's achieved that.
See How Devil May Cry 5 Runs on Steam Deck
Apart from official sources stating that Devil May Cry 5 has sold over five million copies, not much is known on how the game managed to achieve that figure. A year after its initial release, Devil May Cry 5 was given a special edition, allowing Vergil to be a playable character. Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition was released for the PS5 and Xbox Series X, allowing next-gen console owners to get their hands on the game. However, it is unknown whether this figure of five million includes the sales of the special edition or not.
Even if the Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition helped push the latest entry in the franchise over the five million milestone, it is