Marvel’s Spider-Man is widely known for its diverse breadth of suit skins, whether it features eclectic original designs, deep-cut comic book references, or iconic suits from live-action and animation. Between the phantasmic Spirit Spider suit, the sleeveless sweatshirt Scarlet Spider suit, and the Hybrid suit from Spider-Man: No Way Home, there is a suit to meet any fan’s costume preference.
But while they are all interesting additions to Marvel’s Spider-Man’s costume catalog, it can easily be forgotten that not all of them actually exist within Marvel’s Spider-Man’s individual canon. Insomniac Games has produced a separate continuity in Marvel’s Spider-Man that offers them the leniency to iterate upon characters and other significant features. In terms of which costumes Peter Parker has worn in his eight years of being Spider-Man, fans are only privy to a select number of them. Recently, a dedicated fan has determined which suits belong to Marvel’s Spider-Man’s universe.
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Redditor u/choyjay has compiled a definitive list of all the suits in Marvel’s Spider-Man that could be considered canonical in Insomniac’s universe, Earth-1048. These suits include the Wrestler suit, as seen on a poster for Peter’s wrestling match against Crusher Hogan in Peter’s apartment; Peter’s Classic suit, both repaired and damaged; an ESU suit where he wears collegiate apparel with the mask on; the Advanced suit definitive of Marvel’s Spider-Man; the Dark suit, as a gift from Felicia Hardy; Undies, which is self-explanatory; the Anti-Ock suit; and the pre-order bonus Velocity Suit.
Going all out on inclusion, choyjay even includes two iterations of the Wrestler suit — one with