The recently released Digimon Survive is one of the series' best games, allowing players to befriend various digital monsters in the game. The game is chock-full of unique and interesting monsters that players can find in Digimon Survive.
The game allows players to befriend several digital monsters they come across in the game, recruit them to their team, and use them during the many challenging combat scenarios. Players can even befriend some of the bosses in the game after defeating them in earlier chapters.
Every other monster in the game boasts a unique personality and abilities that set them apart from others. While the process of befriending is more or less the same for every other digital monster in Digimon Survive, there are some exceptions.
One such monster is the wolf-like Fangmon, one of the most unique and well-designed monsters in Digimon Survive. This article dives into how players can befriend Fangmon and where they can potentially encounter the digital monster.
Fangmon is a wolf-like monster that serves as the main antagonist of Part 2 of Digimon Survive. The monster is covered in reddish-pink fur with an elongated snout. Fangmon makes a great addition to the players' team early on in the game. Befriending a wolf-like monster also allows for some unique Digivolutions later in the game.
Befriending Fangmon is straightforward, given that players know the perfect response to each monster's questions and statements. During the Free Battle mode of the game, players can talk to Fangmon upon encountering it, to which they will be greeted with three statements to which they will have to respond by picking the most appropriate response.
Choosing the best response for a statement rewards players with two points, with