The recently released Digimon Survive has an abundance of unique and interesting monsters for players to battle and befriend. The game offers a huge catalogue of monsters, each with their own personalities and character traits.
The game is a tactical role-playing game where players use their monsters to wreak havoc on the battlefield. Players can collect these monsters via a fun and intriguing "befriending" mechanic, which allows them to recruit any monster out in the wild to their team. Players can even befriend boss monsters after defeating them.
This article will take a look at one of the best starting monsters, called the Birdramon. Though it is fairly rare, it makes for an incredible monster to use in battles, especially during the early stages of the game.
Birdramon, as its name suggests, is a bird-like digital monster. The monster is rare compared to other befriendable monsters, and is someone players should not miss out on even if they do not plan on using it.
Befriending Birdramon in Digimon Survive isn't as complicated as Dokugomon, for example. Despite that, players still have to know the best possible response to the monster's questions.
Much like any other monster, befriending Birdramon requires that the players answer three questions. Responding with the most appropriate option allows players to successfully recruit the monster to their team.
Birdramon shares the same set of questions as Betamon. However, the responses are very different for the two monsters.
Birdramon respects loyalty and honesty, which players should keep in mind while responding to the monster's questions. It, however, lacks self-confidence, which is something that players can use to their advantage.
Here is a handy guide for all the