Bandai Namco's latest game, Digimon Survive, is a curious amalgamation of visual novel adventures and tactical combat encounters. Players explore an unknown world full of danger, not knowing what lies around the corner. However, this tale is also one of friendship with its colorful cast of human NPCs and ally Digimon to depend on.
One of the many threats players will encounter is the hostile Digimon, including aggressive bosses. These creatures are powerful, and players will have to use everything at their disposal to take them down. This guide covers the very first boss fight faced in the game against the spider Digimon Dokugumon.
Dokugumon is encountered in Part 1 of the game inside the abandoned school the kids find themselves in. Aoi, one of the game's characters, has been captured by the monster. The team must find a way to get her back by defeating Dokugumon and its minions. Before the fight starts, a cutscene takes place where the kids weaken the boss using a spirit lamp.
The fight occurs in a wide open arena, and as usual, players must strategically deploy their Digimon's positioning. Agumon and Labramon are key to the fight, so they must be kept alive to progress.
The boss spawns a distance away alongside two minions, in which case it is recommended to take them down one by one by outnumbering each foe. Digimon Survive emphasizes attacks from the back, which does a lot more damage to the enemy. Employ the wide open space strategically.
Dokugumon employs poison attacks and sticky webs, so Agumon's fire attacks should prove handy against the creature as well as the minions. Once the minions are dealt with, and Dokugumon's substantial health pool is brought down to a certain level, this will summon more minions.