The recently released tactical role-playing game Digimon Survive offers users a variety of unique monsters to befriend and recruit to their teams. Every digital monster has its own personality and abilities that set them apart from the other monsters in the title.
While the game is much like Game Freak and Nintendo's iconic Pokemon games, one key difference is the ability for gamers to befriend and build strong bonds with many digital monsters found in Digimon Survive. Befriending allows them to recruit monsters to their teams to use their unique abilities during battles.
This article will discuss one of the best early-game digital monsters players can get in the game, Meramon, its potential encounter locations, and how they can successfully befriend it.
Meramon is a very powerful early-game digital monster that can give gamers a significant edge during the game's early sections. Its body is engulfed in flames, which provides it with an intimidating look.
Meramon is a Data-attribute Digimon that readers can encounter in the Free Battle areas of Digimon Survive's Chapter 3.
Like any other monster in the game, befriending Meramon requires users to engage in a conversation with it and respond correctly to its many questions and statements. They need to carefully pick a response to each statement to earn at least three points required to befriend Meramon.
As the monster's appearance suggests, Meramon has a fiery personality and often gets aggressive during conversations. It also responds pretty well to flattering comments, but gamers should avoid leaning too much on it as it might result in losing points.
As a Data-type monster, selecting lots of Harmony options will make it significantly easier for players to befriend Meramon.