The recently released tactical role-playing game Digimon Survive features a plethora of unique and interesting digital monsters that players can battle and befriend in the game. Much like Game Freak and Nintendo's Pokemon series, this title is chock-full of intriguing creatures, each of whom has its own personality and character traits that set them apart from the rest.
While the game's main focus is its engaging role-playing and turn-based combat system, it also features some really fascinating gameplay mechanics that differentiate it from the competition. One such unique gameplay mechanic is befriending monsters, which essentially allows players to recruit creatures that they find in Digimon Survive into their team.
This article will discuss Gotsumon, its potential encounter locations in the game, and how players can befriend the digital monster composed of rocks.
Gotsumon is pretty powerful, despite its short stature. The rock-type creature is a very good choice for early battles in the game and appears often during the second chapter of Digimon Survive, which gives players ample opportunities to befriend it.
Players will need to engage in a conversation with Gotsumon in order to befriend it. Like any other monster in the game, this requires players to respond correctly to the creature's questions while conversing with it.
Although the monster relies on brute force during combat, it can be quite soft and playful beneath its rugged and rocky look. Gotsumon also likes to play pranks on players, as is evident from some of its questions. Players should pick their responses in accordance with Gotsumon's playful nature, which increases the chances of befriending it.
The following is a handy guide containing the questions the