Crystar’s second chapter heavily revolves around the newcomer, Kokoro. Kokoro, despite her appearance, is very much Rei’s senior, and her story centers on her lost lover and child. Enter, Carneades - the literal manifestation of narcissism and psychological abuse. If that wasn’t bad enough, Carneades is partially responsible for some truly abhorrent events that have haunted Kokoro for quite some time.
Related: Crystar Beginner's Guide
Carneades, as is fitting for a Revenant who embodies such abhorrent concepts, is a coward. He will constantly run away from the player, throw out projectiles, and hide behind minions. This fight is a step-up from Epicurean in just about every conceivable way, but it is still very much a learning experience.
Carneades is a tricky sod that specializes in sending out homing projectiles. If they hit, they will interrupt the player, and cause a status ailment, like Confusion or Slow. Confusion will reverse your controls for a while, which makes it incredibly difficult to fight Carneades or dodge follow-up attacks. Slow reduces your movement speed significantly and gimps your dodge distance.
Carneades can also summon minions to help him during this fight. More specifically, Carneades will summon in Hedonic Alpha - that big Spectre who takes way too long to kill with standard attacks. Hedonic Alpha is threatening enough on his own due to his hefty health pool, and damaging attacks. Having to juggle him whilst avoiding Carneades can be quite the pain.
Hedonic Alpha has two attacks, both of which have clear windups. He will either do a punch, similar to Epicurean, or he will do a ground pound. The ground pound is his most dangerous attack since it will hit everything in a fairly large area.