Throughout his years as a soldier and a superhero within the Marvel Universe, Captain America has experienced the humbling sensation of defeat just as much as he has relished in the prideful joys of victory. However, one defeat was less humbling and more humiliating as it came from one pathetic MCU hero: Swordsman.
Jacques “Jack” Duquesne aka the Swordsman made his debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the Disney+ original series Hawkeye. In the show, Jack is dating Kate Bishop's mother (Eleanor Bishop) and is presumed to be the villain of the entire series upon his introduction. However, as the show progresses, it is revealed that Jack is just a loveable airhead born with a silver spoon in his mouth, yet he remains extremely skilled in swordplay. While his debut was initially presumed to be villainous in nature, the Swordsman proved to be a hero when he fought alongside Clint Barton and Kate Bishop against the Kingpin’s Tracksuit Mafia, making him an official Marvel hero—albeit a fairly pathetic one.
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In Avengers #19 by Stan Lee and Don Heck, the Swordsman—who at this point in time is an established criminal within the Marvel Universe—wants to give up his life of crime and join the Avengers. In that effort, the Swordsman breaks into the Avengers’ base and challenges them all to battle so that he could prove his skills. However, he doesn’t make his true intentions known so the Avengers only see the Swordsman as a villain. When the battle began, the only two people at the Avengers’ HQ were Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, though Captain America jumped into the action after just a few moments of fighting. While the Swordsman was able to escape, his