Whitemoon Games is delivering on promises to add a choice of difficulty options to bosses in Broken Ranks . After announcing their intentions to offer difficulty selections, the latest patch updated this for nine boss instances, and added new features.
When it comes to difficulty options, it's one way to diversify the content you have, while adding challenges for those who want them, and toning it down a little bit for those who would prefer a more casual, or simpler, type of experience. For those instances that got difficulty options, you can now choose from Discovery, Adventure, and Challenge. These are your easy, normal, and hard. The team plans to expand difficulty option choices, so these bosses will be joined by others down the line.
In announcing the changes, the team describes Discovery as an easier mode that can be done by one to two people, and also supports things like pet leveling with the experience bonuses, but don't have a lot of changes or complicated mechanics. If you choose Challenge mode though, expect things like needing special items or additional puzzling mechanics to figure out.
Normal mode will be just as things have been, except that the team has made a number of tweaks to some of the mechanics in boss instances outside of just the difficulty options. for example, a number of mob spawns in open areas that are leading you to certain instances, got some changes to make it possible for those who want to choose easy mode in the instance to actually arrive at the instance. There are a number of changes like this that complement the new boss difficulty options.
This patch also fixes several issues and makes helpful changes. you'll see a notification on the marketplace when you sell an item, you
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