Blizzard has responded to the use of «kick bot macros» to automate gameplay in Rated PvP content, saying they are investigating the matter and will take appropriate steps to address it as soon as possible.
In conjunction with automation programs like AutoHotKey, these macros ensure that important kicks against specific spells and stuns are never missed, interrupting the cast within its first or last millisecond to avoid manual cancelling, and automatically preventing the kick or stun if a buff like Divine Protection or Anti-Magic Shell would prevent it from succeeding.
As claimed by the poster, a significant amount of highly ranked players have used these techniques for years now, which have also been highlighted in several gameplay videos linked below.
Hello everyone.
We all know blizzard try to fight scripters, third-party program usage and cheaters in general.
So I want to talk about ClearTarget() function.
First of all I’m not a developer and some of the code below can be terrible (but working).
Secondly, we all know that CastSpellByName() function is protected to avoid unintended usage.
But what about this?
/run if not (UnitCastingInfo(“target”) or UnitChannelInfo(“target”)) then ClearTarget() end;
/cast Spell Lock
or, perhaps, this?
/run if(AuraUtil.FindAuraByName(“Banner of the Horde”, “target”, “HELPFUL”)) then ClearTarget() end
/cast Death Coil
or this (protect HoJ in Grounding)
# showtooltip
/run for i=1,10 do local D = UnitBuff(«target»,i); if D == «Grounding Totem» then ClearTarget() end end;
/cast Hammer of Justice
Fade protection
/run for i=1,10 do local D = UnitBuff(«target»,i); if D == «Phase.