The idea behind American Horror Stories season 2's dark first story may have been borrowed from another popular franchise. The American Horror Story spin-off show, an episodic anthology series, met with primarily negative reviews during its first run. The first story in American Horror Stories 8-episode season 2 nightmare procession is a story that fans of Pretty Little Liars might find familiar.
Written by Manny Coto and directed by Loni Peristere, American Horror Stories season 2, episode 1 is officially titled «Dollhouse.» Filmed almost entirely on location at the picturesque Andrew McNally House in Altadena, the episode boasts a cast that includes Kristine Froseth, Abigale Corrigan, Simone Recasner, Maryssa Menendez, Emily Morales-Cabrera, and more. Little else is known about the plot at this point in time, though fan theories suggest that the female cast members play «dolls» who are prisoners within the titular Dollhouse, held against their will by some maniacal captor.
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If fans' assumptions are accurate, then the premise will be extremely similar to Pretty Little Liars' season 5, episode 25, «Welcome To The Dollhouse.» The Pretty Little Liars season 5 finale sees the main characters transported to a mysterious subterranean prison, dubbed a «dollhouse,» by their archnemesis who operates under the alias «A.» During their stay, the girls are forced to dress up like dolls and partake in dangerous games for A's pleasure. That is, when they aren't confined to their rooms. Photos from behind the scenes of American Horror Stories' «Dollhouse» reveal star Kristine Froseth wearing 18th century-style doll-like attire (via Instagram), as well as