Starting on November 23, viewers can stream the critically acclaimed supernatural horror film Evil Dead Rise directed by Lee Cronin, who is best known for his work on the 2019 supernatural horror film The Hole in the Ground. Despite it being a standalone film, it is the fifth installment of the iconic Evil Dead franchise. The story of the film revolves around two sisters who try to survive and save their family from the threat posed by the Deadites. The film’s cast includes Lily Sullivan, Alyssa Sutherland, Morgan Davies, Mark Mitchinson, Gabrielle Echols, Nell Fisher, Noah Paul and Richard Crouchley.
Then on November 25, viewers can watch The November Man via Amazon Freevee. A spy action-thriller film directed by Roger Donaldson and based on the Bill Granger novel There Are No Spies. The film stars Pierce Brosnan in the lead role of an ex-CIA agent Peter Devereaux, who comes out of retirement in order to face his former pupil in a deadly game involving top CIA officials and the Russian president-elect. Other cast members of the film include Luke Bracey, Olga Kurylenko, Eliza Taylor, Caterina Scorsone, Bill Smitrovich, Will Paton, Patrick Kennedy, and Akie Kotabe. This film is also the second collaboration between Donaldson and Brosnan after the 1997 film Dante’s Peak.
The other releases for Amazon Prime Video during this week include Bye Bye Barry, LOL Season 3, and Fantasy Football.
Below are all the new TV shows and movies being added to Amazon Prime Video from November 20-26.
Check out more streaming release schedules aside from Amazon Prime Video below.