Just a couple of days after the grand opening of the first Apple Store in India in Mumbai, Apple CEO Tim Cook has inaugurated the second retail store in Saket, New Delhi today, April 20. A big crowd gathered at the Select Citywalk Mall in Saket ahead of the inauguration. Cook arrived at the location minutes before launch time and opened the doors to the consumers amid loud cheers and claps. The Apple Store in Delhi was officially opened at 10 AM. Cook also spent time clicking pictures and speaking with fans shortly after the launch.
The store is located in South Delhi and the design of its outer gate has taken inspiration from the famous India Gate and other similar structures that can be seen across the city. Interestingly, the Apple Store itself is smaller than its counterpart in BKC Mumbai.
As per reports, the Apple Store in Delhi features 70 staff members who come from 18 different states of India and can collectively speak 15 languages. The Apple Store will not only serve as a retail point but also as an experience center and a space to educate consumers about Apple products and the latest hardware and software upgrades.
During his visit, Cook also met with several Indian leaders and dignitaries including PM Narendra Modi. In a tweet after the meeting, he said, “We share your vision of the positive impact technology can make on India's future — from education and developers to manufacturing and the environment, we're committed to growing and investing across the country”.
Some reports have suggested that Apple could double its employee base at the assembly units in India and take it to 2 lakh in the near future.
Earlier this week, Cook inaugurated the first Apple Store in the country in BKC Mumbai. The store is
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