The 90 Day Fiancé franchise is filled with commanding personalities, which has led fans to believe that some cast members boss their partners around unfairly. The past eight years of franchise content has aired many domineering cast members who like to manage relationships. Unfortunately, this has led to accusations that some 90 Day Fiancé stars are controlled by their partners.
There are several factors that contribute to viewers believing cast members are involved in controlling relationships. There are many forms of power imbalance in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. Some cast members are significantly older than their spouses and can take on an authoritarian role when navigating their relationships. Other times, the American partner feels that they can control the foreign spouse since their status in the United States is dependent on their relationship. Such situations have caused controversy among viewers.
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While age gaps and countries of origin can contribute to controlling behavior among 90 Day Fiancé cast members, there are plenty of cast members with strong personalities from all walks of life. In a number of instances, viewers have accused American males of being whipped by their foreign female partners, who seemingly force the men to change to adapt to their way of life. Overall, there have been many claims of a variety of 90 Day Fiancé cast members having to deal with forceful partners in the hit TLC franchise.
Nikki Shoemaker is one of the 90 Day Fiancé cast members who has most been accused of being controlled. Many franchise fans were disturbed by Nikki's relationship with Mark Shoemaker, as the Filipina woman was just 19 when she joined the