In a world where first-person shooters reign supreme, real-time strategy games have carved a substantial niche out for themselves. With hours' worth of gameplay and replayability, some titles have even gone on to become legacy games.
With more gamers shifting towards strategy games, it is time to take a look at a few games that are worth replaying in 2022. With the summer break afoot, there is plenty of time to relax and strategize every move.
Phoenix Point, developed by Snapshot Games, has a love-hate relationship with the community. Although it holds its own against other titles, it did suffer a setback after being released, with players facing a number of issues.
However, following the release of the Year One Edition, things have changed.
For those who have played the original XCOM or XCOM2 turn-based strategy game and want to put their skills to the test, Phoenix Point is the perfect title. While it possesses similar mechanics and features a lot of dynamic depth, the game is very different from the XCOM franchise. Perhaps the biggest difference is how accuracy works.
Rather than players missing a shot despite a 90% hit-chance, the aiming mechanics have been revamped to function more realistically. This new "reticle-system" is a game changer as it allows players to take control of their unit's weapons and aim manually.
With enemies evolving over time, faction politics, diverse inventory choices, and everything in between, Phoenix Point is a must-play strategy game in 2022. However, be warned, for those playing the game for the first time, it is best to disable all DLCs or risk being overwhelmed with information and objectives.
For those who love customizing giant fighting robots and taking control of them, BattleTech is