Lucian is currently one of the best ADC champions in League of Legends. Since the nerfs to Jinx and Xayah, he has risen once again to the top of the priority list amongst solo queue players.
Lucian is someone who players are often scared of as he can snowball games very easily. Apart from that, his damage out can be absolutely god-tier, which often makes it difficult to trade against him in the lane.
In any case, just like every other champion, Lucian is also not invincible, and there are a few ways to deal with him effectively. The following list provides five champions who can ensure that Lucian never gets a chance to take over games.
One of the most significant problems users face against Lucian is his colossal damage output. However, his damage is highly dependent on his combos and how well players are timing his abilities.
Now, Draven is someone who can not only deal more damage than Lucian but also is easier to use. This means he inherently has a much stronger presence in the game's early stages.
Apart from that, Draven can also chase Lucian if the latter tries to dash away from a dicey situation.
Kalista is someone who can beat Lucian in his own game within a match. This is because, while Lucian has a dash, Kalista can hop around consistently in the lane (her passive), where she can dodge everything that the former has to throw.
This makes it difficult for Lucian to deal damage as all of his output relies on landing the combos properly. Obviously, Kalista against Lucian is a skill match-up, but if users master her, it is straightforward to deal with the latter.
Apart from that, Kalista scales quite well, making it easier to deal with Lucian in the late game.
Playing Veigar in the botlane is an exceptionally handy way to