Though primarily billed as a comedy series, Scrubs used two specific details to make its stories more authentic in multiple ways. Despite Scrubs' run having ended after the cancellation of season 9 in 2010, the show lives on as one of the best-loved comedy series of all time. Scrubs' unique blend of emotional medical drama with wacky comedy and larger-than-life characters with touching narrative arcs have cemented its status as one of the most well-regarded comedy series of all time—with the exception of Scrubs season 9's failure, that is.
Scrubs primarily concerns the life of Doctor John «J.D.» Dorian as he navigates his competitive and complicated career at Sacred Heart Hospital. Supporting characters include J.D.'s best friend, Chris Turk and his wife Carla, J.D.'s love interest (and later wife) Elliot Reid, his mentor Dr. Cox, and an unnamed and impossibly antagonistic Janitor. Through these characters and their group and individual dynamics, Scrubs gleaned eight seasons of excellent comedy. However, it also touched on the more complex emotional side of the medical profession, making its dramatic storylines equally as competent as its comedic ones.
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Two specific details helped to elevate Scrubs beyond its comedic ideas by lending it an added medical authenticity. From Scrubs' perfect season 1 comedy pilot, it was clear that the show intended to tell touching emotional stories, something which it delivered repeatedly throughout its run. This was achieved through its realistic portrayal of the medical profession — something that series creator Bill Lawrence ensured by basing his characters on real doctors and then hiring them as advisors for