There is an unimaginable wealth of fantasy creatures that go underutilised in the many forms of fantasy media out there. Naturally, there are the classics that get used almost all the time, but I believe the following fantastical beasts need a lot more representation.
A Satyr looks like a goat-human hybrid. Imagine a bipedal goat, now replace the top half with a very hairy human with horns. Naturally, depictions vary greatly, with some Satyrs being much more human than goat, and vice-versa.
Centaurs get a reasonable amount of exposure, so why not their goat counterparts? I find these creatures to be incredibly interesting, especially given that they’re sentient beings with their own culture.
Whether a bustling populus or a dwindled race, we need more Satyrs in our fantasy media.
Peryton are essentially the deer version of a Pegasus. Thinking of a deer with wings? Yeah that’s it.
I personally find these creatures much more enthralling than the Pegasi, especially when imagining them in the light forests, grazing on the grass. Delicate and eloquent, the Peryton are a mystical species that would make such easy and natural inclusion into any fantasy world.
And now that I know about them, I’m mad that they’re not.
The case of the Wendigo is a strange one. Many people know about it, whether they’re folklore fans or not, and there have been games about them. However, this is treated largely as one entity that exists in seclusion, and is not brought out enough into general fantasy.
It would be so cool to see a darker fantasy story where Wendigoes are more of a commonplace creature that stalk certain woods. Having such a powerful creature used more commonly, especially with how we currently view them, would make for a unique setting.
Wendigoes should be used much more liberally in fantasy media, that’s for sure.
The Naga is another peculiar case, as there are different depictions of them. Generally, a Naga (or Nagi, for females) is a human-serpent hybrid.
In Asian