offers players a lot of freedom in how they approach the game, which some players have used to create their own challenges to make the game more difficult. While has a lot to do in its open world, it is far from in terms of difficulty. More experienced players may find that, even though the game can be a lot of fun, isn’t very challenging to get through.
To increase the difficulty of , players will typicallyrestrict their access to certain resources or actions. This can mean removing certain advantages from the game that make Link more powerful. Otherwise, it could mean imposing a strict set of rules the player needs to follow, adding to the list of things players need to do during each in-game day.
It's been one year since the release of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which was critically praised. Why don't we talk about it like BotW?
has a massive map, even bigger than ’s. This makes fast travel a welcome inclusion. Otherwise, players would be forced to trek long distances across this huge map, often retreading the ground they already covered. Because fast travel is so useful, restricting its use is a great way to make the game much more challenging to get through. As suggested by Reddit user Thunder_Dragon30, taking away fast travel altogether can make for a very serious challenge.
Trying to get through without fast travel is a slog. This isn’t the type of challenge that is going to make the game more fun, or even on the face of it, that much more challenging. Though Thunder_Dragon30’s suggestion of only cooking in towns does add a bit more of a challenge in terms of gameplay, the real difficulty of this challenge comes from a player’s ability to stick with it and not get frustrated. It does, however, encourage players to get creative with Ultrahand, as custom vehicles will become important for traveling quickly.
Link’s paraglider is one of the handiest tools in the new era of games. It is made even more important in when players will often find