Arriving more than a decade after Jackass 3D, the classic franchise is back with a new movie in the form of Jackass Forever. Of course, the film features returning veterans like Johnny Knoxville and Steve-O, but there are also plenty of newcomers joining the crew to perform their fair share of wild stunts. Among the fresh faces are Zach Holmes, Jasper, Rachel Wolfson, and Sean “Poopies” McInerney.
Screen Rant spoke with the quartet of newcomers to discuss what it was like becoming a part of Jackass, their hopes for the future of the franchise, and more.
Related: Preston Lacy, Dave England, Danger Ehran, and Eric Manaka Interview for Jackass Forever
Screen Rant: I'm just so happy, Jackass is back! I want to hear from each of you, what felt like the right of passage moment for you in joining the crew? What was that moment where you're like, «Yep, I'm in Jackass.”
Zach Holmes: When I tried to fly over a cactus, that's when I was like, „Yeah, I'm in “Jackass.”
Jasper: I would say, my moment is during the treadmill bit, you know what I'm saying? Because after the treadmill bit Steve-O leaned over and was like, „I didn't think you was going do it, but you showed me.“ I was like, „Yeah!” That was pretty cool.
The thing about the treadmill one, it seemed like such a tame stunt compared to everything else. I feel like it was the biggest injury in the whole movie.
Jasper: It happened so fast. I don't remember falling. I just remember… just, I was on the ground, like, “Oh my head!» It was just so quick.
Rachel Wolfson: For me, I think the day we did the taser, which was in the quiet game. Because I think they either thought I was going to cry or not do it, and neither of those things happened. I definitely saw their faces and some