Silent Hill's revival has been rumored several times in recent years, but if the new rumors carry any weight, the latest plans for the beloved horror series may leave some fans wishing the series would stay buried. With the summer of game announcements just around the corner, the cup runneth over with leaks and speculation — and with Konami announcing a new game-focused initiative a year prior — there's plausibility to the chatter. Silent Hill is one franchise Konami is aware fans are hungry for, so it stands to reason it's a series the company would focus on as they forge ahead with gaming once again.
Silent Hill has always shared the horror spotlight with Resident Evil but always stood out for many reasons. The Silent Hill franchise has been lauded for pioneering a new genre of horror that focused less on combat and more on puzzle-solving and storytelling. Silent Hill is more about small intimate stories that surround tortured and flawed characters that all end up in the mysterious town for one reason or another. What the city represents and shows to the player depends on the character's world, sins, or situations, varying from title to title. These elements are consistently elevated by carefully curated choices regarding the game's atmosphere, music, and sound design, along with the immersive nature of sharing in the confusion and bewilderment of the protagonist. However, this carefully crafted symphony can quickly turn into a harmonic disaster with rushed development practices, mishandling of the intellectual property and its legacy, and a failure to understand why games like Silent Hill 2 and 3 have endured as long as they have.
Related: How Silent Hill & Slitterhead Are Connected
It's important to note that Konami