In the Marvel Universe, Captain America is one of the greatest heroes in history, having accomplished innumerable feats over his long career. However, one well-guarded secret proves that Steve Rogers is actually not that special, because everyone could become Captain America with the right combination of food and exercise.
Steve Rogers was a normal young man who wanted nothing more than to serve his country during a time of great need. Rejected by the U.S. Army during the Second World War due to his poor health, Steve's life would change forever when he was selected as a test subject for Project Rebirth, where he received the last dose of the Super-Soldier Serum developed by Dr. Abraham Erskine. The substance fused with Rogers' metabolism and permanently enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency, making him the most perfect human in existence. Before being assassinated, Erskine described Rogers as being "the next step in human evolution," and Captain America is indeed the result of unique circumstances and non-replicable scientific achievements. But what if none of that was actually needed to become a Super Soldier?
Related: Captain America's Secret Replacement Revealed the Dark Truth of His Serum
Avengers: The Initiative #1, written by Dan Slott with art by Stefano Caselli and Daniele Rudoni, introduced a new character, Michael Van Patrick, who took the codename MVP. Michael has a pretty unique origin story, even for the world of superheroes. During his research into what would ultimately become the Super-Soldier Serum, Erskine theorized that a special Brazilian diet and isometric exercise regimen would create a super-soldier. However, this method required a lifetime to produce the desired