The seemingly demonic mutant known as Azazel, who is the father of long-time X-Men member Nightcrawler, comes to life sporting his craziest comic costume in all-new cosplay. Azazel and Mystique are the parents of Nightcrawler, a mutant hero who took on the physical traits of both of his parents along with one aspect of the powerset of his father. Azazel is a red demonic-looking mutant with a number of powers that include teleportation through the Brimstone Dimension. Nightcrawler is blue, like the natural form of his mother, but otherwise takes after his father in looks and powers. Now, Nightcrawler’s father, Azazel, has been brought to life in a crazy-realistic cosplay.
Azazel made his Marvel Comics debut in Uncanny X-Men #428 by Chuck Austen and Sean Phillips. In the issue, the circumstances surrounding Nightcrawler’s birth are explored with the father of the X-Men member revealed for the first time. Like his son, Azazel has the ability to teleport through the Brimstone Dimension, though his ability is more powerful as he doesn’t have to see the area to which he wants to teleport. Azazel’s other powers include shapeshifting, minor telepathy, hypnosis, and supposed immortality.
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In a Reddit post by user GQSioux, the cosplayer posted a number of images which included the cosplayer dressed as Azazel alongside images of the character from the comics for comparison. Complete with red-painted skin, yellow eyes, and demonic makeup, the cosplayer absolutely nailed the look of Azazel. Not only that, but the costume the cosplayer chose looks exactly like Azazel’s craziest one. The costume looks as though it was made from the bones of a demonic creature, a white