There are hundreds of words that end in «ED» to use in Wordle. With so many different options to choose from, it's nearly impossible to think of them all right on the spot. So a new Wordle brain teaser is available every day, challenging players to guess a five-letter word correctly. The player is given six chances to guess, with each guess providing hints and clues on the next possible answer. Now, millions of players log in every day to keep track of their Wordle scores.
When playing, there are three different color variations of Wordleboxes that can appear. Green boxes mean that the letter in the word is correct and in the correct location. A yellow letter will mean the letter is in the word but is currently located in the wrong spot. Lastly, gray blocks are an indicator that the word is not available in the word at all. Combining all of these mechanics with proper guesses will limit which words will be successful and which ones will fail. With only six different guesses, there is no chance to try again, making the stakes fairly high for such a simple game.
Related: Wordle Hard Mode Guide (How to Win & How to Turn It On)
With there being hundreds of different words that conclude with «ED,» it's recommended to fill out the first answer with a word that ends with «ED.» If it's not available, then move on to another five-letter word. Although, if the «ED» does successfully light up green, then players can start narrowing down these answers. It's important to mention that not every word on this list will be compatible with Wordle. It's more so here to help point players in the right direction.
After successfully guessing, it's possible to keep track of the player's Wordle statistics. Here, there will be a countdown timer