Recently, Netflix has greenlighted a lot of original animated series based around video game franchises, including hits like Castlevania and Arcane. The success of these shows has encouraged Netflix to make even more animated adaptations, as evident by the recent announcement of Tekken: Bloodline, an animated series based around the fighting game franchise from Bandai Namco. The anime is set to air later in 2022, although specifics are unfortunately scant.
While this isn't the first time that Tekken has received an adaptation, it is still exciting to see the series enter the sphere of anime. Naturally, many Tekken fans are excited to see the new series, and are waiting in anticipation for it to come out. While it's obvious why fans of the franchise would be excited about the new Tekken anime, those who aren't necessarily acquainted with the series may still consider it worth their while to watch it.
RELATED:Netflix Announces Tekken Anime To Release In 2022
Instead of telling a story from one particular game, Tekken: Bloodline instead focuses on an original story based on information hinted at throughout the game. In Tekken's timeline, the anime seems to take place between the games Tekken 2 and Tekken 3, which is a long period of fifteen years. This gives the anime's writers ample space to work with. In the trailer for the anime, viewers can see a young Jin Kazama training with his mother, giving a clear indication that the events of Tekken 3, in which Jin is the main character, has yet to actually happen. Whether the anime will extend onwards to the events of Tekken 3 is currently unknown, but it is certainly more than a possibility.
The decision to base the anime on events between games is interesting because it means that