Despite it being their first time at the wizarding school, 's protagonist begins the term as a fifth-year student, and it can be difficult to discern why this is actually the case. After all, being grouped with peers of the same age seems to cause many problems for the player character, such as the pressure of completing extra lessons, awkward conversations with schoolmates, and a reliance on the helpful, yet simultaneously overbearing Field Guide. With so much to catch up on, it seems like an illogical decision at best, but taking a look at the bigger picture can answer why 's character is a fifth-year student.
Thankfully, being thrown in the deep end seems to work out quite well for the main character, as they have an incredible aptitude for learning and magic in general. From a gameplay standpoint, being able to master some of the strongest spells right away is a trait that likely saves the player much time (and frustration). However, the actual reasoning behind why the player is a fifth-year in is a bit more complex, as it involves lore, plot design, and game development alike.
Narratively, there's a vague explanation as to why 's protagonist is a late bloomer. As the player will discover throughout the course of the game's events, they are not the only ones to have possessed the power of the mysterious, yet tremendously powerful ancient magic. In fact, two past characters also wielded this same power, and they too only began attending Hogwarts as fifth-years. Unfortunately, the intricacies of this phenomenon remain unclear, but it's possible that ancient magic somehow affects the magical abilities of witches and wizards, causing them to flourish only around the time of their fifth year in
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