Shuuji Kayama is a popular figure in the world of Digimon Survive, but for all the wrong reasons. The fan base hates him for his mistreatment of Lopmon and his hypocrisy, feigning courage when he is a coward. Some believe the hate for his courage and leadership is misdirected, as his leadership position in Digimon Survive was assigned to him by the other kids since Shuuji was the oldest among them. Shuuji knows he can't lead, but he has no choice but to accept the position. Unfortunately, he has no accountability in his role, as he blames other kids for even the slightest mistakes. His lack of leadership gets the group into trouble at times. However, Shuuji displays some good qualities when he reassures the group when they lose The Professor to the bridge and Ryo to the fog.
Another thing fans note is Shuuji's ability to be amazingly selfish. In Part 5 of Digimon Survive, when the other kids have lost faith in his leadership, Shuuji is left behind when they enter the sewer. While it is clear that he can still play a role, he attempts to commit suicide by sacrificing himself to Megaseadramon as a form of escape from having to win back the group's trust, although his attempt proves unsuccessful. Shuuji lashes out at Lopmon to deflect any attention given to him. His stubbornness and refusal to open up to others and accept help even when it can benefit himself and the group frustrates fans. His angry outburst — physical and emotional — at Lopmon leads to his demise as the Digimon Digivolves into a dark evolution called Wendigomon. His death occurs in the first playthrough of Part 5 of the series before he gets a redemption arc, which is yet another thing that angers gamers.
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