Azeroth is our World Soul, but what else do we know about her? It's time for some more lore speculation with Nobbel87.
The question as to what’s actually inside of Azeroth has popped up a couple of times, especially with the latest end cutscene and some new in-game books, so time to sit down and look at the information we have, to see if we can’t throw some ideas together. An excuse to talk a bit about the origin stories that we have for the entire Warcraft universe.
A big reason as to why we ‘know’ what’s inside of Azeroth comes from the Warcraft Chronicles, as well as information provided in-game by creations of the Titans. More and more they’ve been pushing the story into the direction that we can’t trust what they’re saying. For example, the Edicts of the Prime Designate, Volume 742 has Keeper Odyn give the order to purge all historical records documenting the advancements of the Black Empire.
Not the first time we see a Keeper modify history; you might recall how Keeper Loken had modifed the Tribunal of Ages to cover up his corruption.
Another big reason as to why we know what's inside Azeroth, is our direct communication with her through Magni Bronzebeard, who told us that she is indeed a Titan, however…
A pawn for whom though? When first the line was dropped, a lot of eyes turned towards the Old Gods and the Void, but what if they meant a pawn of the