The Bone Zone is a brand-new Map in Vampire Survivors that serves as the second Challenge Stage released in the game's early access development. Featuring a thrilling, detuned version of the Dairy Plant's theme, this new Stage contains the Drowner and Stalker, two incredibly powerful mobs that can quickly end one's playthrough. Likewise, the enemies and spawn rate of the Bone Zone are unforgiving in Vampire Survivors and will give even the most skilled players a worthwhile challenge.
To access the Bone Zone Map in Vampire Survivors, players will need to unlock the Hyper Mode for three Normal Stages. Such Stages include the Mad Forest, Inlaid Library, Dairy Plant, and Gallo Tower. Each of these Stages has its own unique condition that must be met in order for its correlating Hyper Mode to become available. Before discussing these conditions, it should be mentioned that some players who've already unlocked all the available Hyper Modes have reported that the Bone Zone is still inaccessible. To solve this problem, open three Stages in Hyper Mode for several seconds and return to the main menu. This action should activate the Bone Zone, allowing Vampire Survivors fans to play the Map.
Related: Vampire Survivors: How to Unlock Exdash Exiviiq (Secret Character)
First, to unlock Hyper Mode for the Mad Forest, players who enjoy this tense and engaging roguelike must defeat the Giant Blue Venus, a Boss that spawns at 25:00. Nesuferit, the 25-minute Boss of the Inlaid Library, must be defeated for the Stage's Hyper Mode to become available. The Diary Plant's Hyper Mode becomes accessible once players have slain the Sword Guardian at the 25:00 marker, and Gallo Tower spawns a Giant Enemy Crab at 25:00, which must be defeated for