Tanares Adventures was my favorite games from 2023. Some of my main complaints were that storage and setup were onerous as well as having to juggle multiple books between the adventure, quest, and city phases.
Today’s review is a little different than most as it’s looking at the Ultimate Tanares Edition, which is a storage solution for this massive game. Do you need it? And if you’re trying to choose between editions, which one is right for you?
The ultimate edition is two Kallax filling boxes filled with smaller boxes that help organize a lot of the content for Tanares Adventures and Arena the Contest. The game content it holds is: Arena the Contest, Legendary Box, Tanares Adventures, Prenumbral Pack (Which is the Prenumbral expansion, class pack, mystic pack, villains pack, class pack, and scenery expansions)
Extra boards, Madness box, dragon collection, Phoenix, and Tarrasque boxes/models do not fit into these two boxes. I’m not certain, but I don’t think the player dashboards or deluxe conditions will fit either.
The two storage boxes are organized so most things you need for individual play would fit in “Storage I”, so you only need to take one giant box with you to play the game somewhere else and/or that’s the box where most of the game components you’ll frequently need will reside.
Storage Box 1 contains:
1. Tiles, Tokens, and Accessories
2. Scenario Miniatures and Save Slots
3. Books, Board, Map, and Extra Cards
4. Cards and Big Monster Miniature
5. Monster Miniatures
Storage Box 2 contains:
1. Books and Extra Cards
2. Hero Miniatures
3. Walls and Extra Miniatures
4. Cosmetic Scenario Miniatures
First off, if you’re mid-campaign, it’s going to take a while to get everything organized to where it makes sense. There’s a YouTube series by Phlanx06 on how to organize the game that was put together before the final documentation was finished.
My two hopes for Tanares Ultimate was to save space and make the game easier to set up.
Starting with set up: it does
Read more on boardgamequest.com