The Transformers franchise will continue onward with Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, which is scheduled for a theatrical release in 2023. It will be followed by two more Transformers projects: a new animated series from Nickelodeon arriving this fall and in 2024, the franchise expands further with a CG animated Transformers theatrical film, the first of its kind.
Rise of the Beasts will be the seventh installment of the live-action Transformers film series and a sequel to Bumblebee. Directed by Steven Caple Jr., from a screenplay by Darnell Metayer and Josh Peters. It will star Anthony Ramos (Hamilton), Dominique Fishback (Judas and The Black Messiah), and Luna Lauren Vélez (Dexter). The film will center around Optimus Prime in 1994 in Brooklyn and be shot partially in Peru.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts will be released theatrically in 2023 and is the first of three new installments. A new animated series from <a href=«» https:>@Nickelodeon
arrives this fall. And in 2024, the franchise expands further with a CG animated Transformers theatrical film. <a href=«» https:>#ParamountPlus
The film was delayed from its initial release date of June 24, 2022 and is expected to be the first of a new trilogy. It'll be the first Transformer movie since 2018's Bumblebee, and now the longest gap between Transformers films.
Ron Perlman has been cast as Optimus Primal, the leader of the Maximals, as he's reprising his role from Transformers: Power of the Primes. The film will tie together huge Transformers factions: the Autobots--where Peter Cullen will once again voice