The Simpsons aired its 750th episode on Sunday, May 21, and to celebrate the milestone, the opening sequence featured 750 different characters who have appeared on the series since it originally debuted in 1989.
As you can see the in opening sequence below, the cast of characters--both fictional and real--include Lard Lad, The Devil (in the form of Ned Flanders), Elton John, Cheech and Chong, Dolly Parton, Frank Grimes, John Madden, Ron Howard, the Queen, Stampy the Elephant, and many more. Watch the sequence below and see how many characters you can spot.
On Tonight’s <a href=«» https:>#TheSimpsons
750th episode They crammed 750 stars into the opening sequence
This was the opening sequence for Season 34's finale. The episode, titled «Homer's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass,» featured Lizzo and Tim Robinson in guest voice roles.
The Simpsons has been on the air since 1989, and it's not going away anytime soon. Seasons 35 and 36 are in the works now, and together they will bring the series beyond 800 episodes.
Seasons 1-33 of The Simpsons are available on Disney+, except for the episode «Stark Raving Dad,» which was pulled due to Michael Jackson's involvement.
In other news, a dedicated Simpsons fan recently discovered a hidden gag from 30 years ago through the use of audio engineering.