Animated shows, whether they are more child-oriented or geared towards adults, tend to feature movie and TV cultural references in their episodes. Whether they are subtle or a direct reference, a show will often take a famous scene or character from another piece of media and apply them to a gag. For some viewers, this may be the first time they have seen that reference.
Like all of Matt Groening's programming, Futurama has never shied away from cultural references. A lot of dialogue makes call-backs to 20th-century events; there's also the endless stream of head-in-a-jar celebrities that make an appearance. A lot of obvious references have been given to popular science fiction series such as Star Wars and Star Trek, but there's still plenty of potential for new references in the show's reboot, especially considering the new sci-fi moves and shows that have come around during Futurama's absence.
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It's no doubt many will be excited about the show's return, and to see how it pokes fun at the pop culture of today. Plenty of big sci-fi names were referenced previously in the show's original run, including Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Back To The Future, Forbidden Planet, and The Day The Earth Stood Still — and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, The Simpsons and many others have referenced these titles on this list, but with Futurama being a futuristic sci-fi show, these homages have a lot more meeting. For example, one of its most hilarious episodes, «Where No Fan Has Gone Before,» is dedicated to the original Star Trek series. Since Futurama went off the air there's been a lot of Star Trek content for them to play around with. The Star Trek episode is a