Your gaming group has just completed a lengthy and tense campaign. There were miniatures around every corner of terrain which had been laid out meticulously while another player read the block of flavor text in preparation for the next mission. Or perhaps your group just finished a dense, two-hour Euro; no minis to be found on that board, but there were lots of tiny wooden cubes, each with a value and a corresponding series of icons in the rulebook to explain them.
These experiences are stressful for different reasons, but stressful nonetheless. The members of the group need their palates cleansed. They need to sit back and enjoy a game without having to check the rulebook repeatedly. They need a game without significant negative player interaction. And, perhaps, one with a pleasant theme.
Struggling to find a game that fits those criteria? Well, Board Game Quest has you covered. Below are our picks for the best relaxing games that will give you a complete gaming experience without getting you too worked up. (And since Tokaido seems like the obvious selection for a list like this, we collectively made a pact to not pick that one. But, yes: It’s a relaxing game. Call it an honorable mention.)
Chosen by TonyIs it a game or a puzzle? Or maybe it’s an activity, kind of like Where’s Waldo books. Well, it doesn’t really matter because MicroMacro Crime City is the perfect game when you aren’t looking for something too heavy. It’s a game where rules explanation is basically not needed. Choose a packet, read the first card, start playing. We like to spread out the map on the coffee table, sit down, and just get to it. We discuss what we are looking for, hunt around the map, and try and figure out the crime. It’s absolutely