Video game streaming site Twitch, and its respective chat-room experience, have grown famous for their usage of unique and iconic text-based emotes. With some of these tiny pictures seeing years of popular and frequent use, some have grown to encapsulate the sweeping emotions and attitudes of the entire community at large. This list will represent the five most important global Twitch emotes by total usage.
5. BibleThumpThis miserable little emote is of the titular Isaac of Edmund McMillan’s The Binding of Isaac, whose tears are seen streaming down his face. With tears playing a popular role in the popular roguelike’s gameplay, it’s unsurprising that this emote has become synonymous with sorrow and crying.
4. PogChampA ubiquitous image with a controversial past, this emote has come to represent excitement to an extreme degree — so extensively that “pog” in some shapes and forms has become a figure of speech. Formerly assuming the likeness of a popular fighting game community member, PogChamp has since changed faces between many of Twitch’s representatives before ultimately transforming into the jubilant komodo we see today.
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3. KappaThis emote predates Twitch in its traditional sense, originating from the streaming site’s predecessor at Former Justin employee Josh DeSeno’s smug aura now mocks Twitch’s streamers in a blatantly sarcastic way.
2. LULA goofy emote representing laughter of any kind, LUL depicts none other than the late John “TotalBiscuit” Bain, a popular esports commentator and video game critic. Originally a subscription-based emote on Bain’s personal Twitch channel, it grew in popularity on the Twitch-based browser extension BetterTTV, later