Amanda Seyfried initially declined the offer to portray Elizabeth Holmes in the upcoming Hulu series The Dropout. The series will revolve around Holmes, the founder of Theranos, who was found guilty of fraud and conspiracy charges last month. Holmes' rise as an entrepreneur in the biotechnology industry, whose company had a $10 billion valuation in 2013, will be included in the series as well as Holmes' and Theranos' eventual downfall. Theranos was investigated in 2015 and eventually charged in 2018 with fraud due to the company making false claims regarding its medical technology that it touted as being able to run a plethora of medical tests from only a few drops of blood.
Although Holmes and Theranos garnered quite a bit of attention from media outlets after the 11 charges of fraud were announced, there has not been much information directly related to Holmes' personality. Kate McKinnon was initially slated to play the role of Holmes but decided not to take the role due to the location and schedule of the shoot requiring her to be away from her family. After McKinnon was no longer set to play Holmes, the offer was extended to Seyfried while she was in Savannah, Georgia.
Related: The Inventor: Biggest Reveals from HBO's Theranos Documentary
According to THR, Seyfried revealed that she was isolated in the basement of a Savannah townhouse due to having Covid when she received the offer to play Holmes. The idea of having to travel to the West Coast to shoot the series as well as all the difficulties that accompany portraying real-life figures initially caused Seyfried to believe that she was going to turn down the role. However, after further examination, the challenge and uniqueness of the role are what eventually made