You’ll have several classes to pick from when you begin your Elden Ring journey. However, making the correct decision will make the start of your game much easier, and selecting a class can be challenging. In this guide, we’re going to break down the best class for you to pick in Elden Ring, alongside the pros and cons of those selections.
These are all of the classes you pick from in Elden Ring.
AstrologerBanditConfessorHeroPrisonerProphetSamuraiVagabondWarriorWretchThe Melee classesFor those who prefer the melee classes, you’ll want to go with the Vagabond, Warrior, or the Samurai. The Vagabond comes with the highest vigor of the starting classes, giving you a good amount of health, and mostly focuses on strength-based weapons. While the Warrior has slightly less vigor, the starting stats make it flexible and quick, leaning into dexterity-based weapons. The Samurai is better than the Vagabond but with more dexterity points and a longbow. These three classes are good starts for anyone who wants to lean towards the melee classes.
The Vagabond will likely be a reliable favorite for multiple players of those three.
The Magic classesIf you’re looking to do something more based on magic, you’ll want to go over to the Astrologer, the Confessor, or the Prophet. For those who prefer healing and Faith-based spells, you’ll want to go with the Prophet, and it comes with a handful of points that increase its melee capabilities. On the other hand, if you prefer intelligence-based spells, the Astrologer will be a reliable option. You can do a handful of single-target spells that make you deadly against specific targets, but you might struggle against more prominent groups, and you’ll start the game with a short sword and little