The Grand Theft Auto franchise is one that has evolved massively since its humble beginnings all the way back in 1997. With more modern titles within the IP providing some of the most intricately designed game worlds that the industry has ever seen, the main appeals and gimmicks of the games have understandably shifted over time.
As many long-term fans of Grand Theft Auto will remember, the cheat codes that could be implemented to many GTA titles had the ability to wildly change the gameplay experience, fostering huge amounts of replayability. While these cheat codes are still available within newer titles to a lesser-used extent, they are still synonymous with GTA titles such as Vice City and San Andreas.
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The first infamous cheat code to be mentioned has found its popularity in the practicality that it possesses, as opposed to providing some sort of wacky factor that many other cheat codes may elicit. The cheat code in question is the wanted level down cheat, which can be used repeatedly to essentially wipe a wanted level down to zero.
This specific cheat code featured prominently within the cheat selection of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. With this cheat at a player's disposal, they can essentially wreak as much havoc within the world of San Andreas as they wish, without having to worry about the pesky police chases that such behavior earns players within the Grand Theft Auto formula of gameplay.
The flying cars and flying boats cheat codes that were available within San Andreas are two cheats that are very much within the same vein. These cheats speak more towards the aforementioned nature of some GTA cheats that providing a fun-factor, while surprisingly retaining