It's been seven months since Apple announced its Vision Pro augmented reality headset. The initial reception was rather mixed and no doubt not helped in the least bit by the typically enormous Apple price tag. But on February 2nd 2024, you'll finally be able to buy one and try it out for yourself, provided you have $3,499 spare.
Even though we all knew how much the Vision Pro was going to cost (as the price was stated during the initial product launch), it remains a pretty shocking figure. So just what exactly are you getting for the money? Well, the Vision Pro itself, along with two different kinds of straps, a cover, cleaning cloth, battery, and charger. No, there are no hand controllers included and that's because Apple's headset doesn't use them.
Instead, everything is controlled via eye and hand movement, along with voice commands courtesy of Siri.
There are a total of 12 cameras, five sensors, and six microphones to constantly monitor your eyes and surroundings, allowing you to work through the interface (which runs on a new system called visionOS) through a mixture of gestures, taps, hand flicks, eye focus, and so on.
Unlike the majority of gaming VR headsets, Apple's Vision Pro is very much focused on augmented reality: Projecting the computing interface into the world around you, though you can block it all out if you so desire, via a control knob on the top. Want to sit in the wilderness and watch a movie, all while on a packed plane? Spend over three thousand dollars and you'll be able to do just that.
Well, for a couple of hours, at least. Apple suggests that the battery life is up to 2.5 hours for video playback, which seems good for a decent movie. But what if your plane trip is a lot longer than that?