There are many activities in but one player has discovered that there are even more daily activities hidden from view in Sulani. The island getaway world was introduced as part of the expansion, and consists of several islands perfect for beachy builds. The expansion added many features to the game, but one particular feature has flown under the radar.
Reddit user and player Snookified shared their discovery with the community, with the caption, "" They share the list of events in a comment to the post, which consists of weekly activities like the Town Potluck, Flowers and Music Festival, Fishing Competition, and more. Some of the events are held near the town pavilion, which the Redditor admits they didn't even know existed.
Many comments admit they didn't know about these events either, sparking a discussion about the game's choice not to make the activities more obvious to players. The Sulani activities don't show up on the calendar, making them too easy for players to learn about if they don't know where to look. For many, finding out about these activities is a complete shock, despite playing the game and its expansion for a long time. Reddit user timtamtammy is one of these, writing ""
The Sims 4 player has replaced the new home menu with images of in-game locations and they're now available for all to use for free.
User Windrose_P wonders why the decision was made to keep these events quiet, while other activities are promoted more aggressively. "" they write, "" The choice may have been intention, perhaps made in the efforts to not swamp players with too many things going on. That said, even if it was intentional, Windrose_P notes,""
Whenever the community feels that there's something that needs to be fixed or added, modders are available to fill the gap. The unintentionally hidden Sulani events are no exception, and lucky for players, a mod has already been created to address this specific issue. The mod, made by avacadoloki and available for download for