The Star Wars franchise nearly included an animated series based on the Young Jedi Knights book series, and though the show was never made, its basic premise could be revived for a modern Luke Skywalker television show. The Star Wars Expanded Universe (now known as Legends) experienced a renaissance throughout the 90s, enriching the lore of the films and telling new stories set after Return of the Jedi. A plethora of comics, video games, and novels kept Star Wars fans invested in the franchise before the prequel trilogy was released and the proposed Young Jedi Knights animated series could have easily changed its trajectory by making a mainstream EU adaptation. With Luke Skywalker’s fledgling Jedi Academy in the canon timeline being tased in the sequel trilogy and current Disney+ shows, Young Jedi Knights could easily provide a blueprint for a successful show.
In the Legends continuity, Luke Skywalker truly adhered to Yoda’s Return of the Jedi advice and passed on what he had learned as an aspiring Jedi. Luke’s character arc in the original trilogy includes, among other things, that the advice and the philosophies of his mentors, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, are not always correct and some conflicts are best won by going against the old Jedi ways. Luke redeemed his father and defeated The Emperor by using his attachments and emotions—primarily to his friends and to the good he sensed in his father—and this philosophy would carry over into his New Jedi Order in Legends, which was a far healthier environment for aspiring Jedi than its predecessor. In the current canon, Luke unfortunately backtracks and replicates the mistakes of the previous generation of Jedi, leading to their near-destruction yet again, this time due to his