Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars, the new novel from Sam Maggs that tells us what happened to the Mantis crew between Fallen Order and Survivor, includes a pointed jab at Cal's infamous pink poncho.
One thing that's been made painfully clear since the reveal of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is that Cal Kestis has grown up. Nowhere is this more apparent than in his dress sense, which is now much closer to Han Solo and other iconic Star Wars rogues and far away from the dorky ponchos that Cal was so drawn to in the original game. Respawn has made it clear that ponchos are out of season this time around and the recent canon novel, Battle Scars, also makes some pointed jabs at how Cal used to dress.
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Halfway into the book, Cal and Merrin find themselves going up against one of the Inquisitors, the Fifth Brother, who is sent to their location by the Grand Inquisitor. While fighting him, Cal notices that he wears a "silly" helmet and makes fun of him for it, before realising that it's lightsaber resistant. Cal then does a bit of self-reflecting and points out that he can't say much when it comes to having dress sense because of his pink poncho.
The section reads, "So that's what the helmet was for, thought Cal. Lightsaber-resistant. Still looked pretty silly though. Then again, Cal knew he'd worn a pink poncho for a while there, so. He supposed he was the last person in a position to judge someone's fashion sense in battle".
Much like the Oggdo Bogdo reference we reported earlier, it's only a little nod towards the games, but a nice sign that author Sam Maggs is well aware of all the in-jokes and memes between the community. Funnily enough, as you can see in the