Over the years, the Star Trek franchise has introduced audiences to a vast array of powerful leaders, from the terrifying Borg queen, to the main protagonists of the shows and movies. These Starfleet captains are often the best of what the Federation was striving for, a pinnacle of the utopian vision Gene Roddenberry wanted for the show.
However, these characters were also flawed, perhaps none more so than Captain Benjamin Sisko. This raises the question: why did Starfleet not only give him command of the Deep Space 9 station, but also have him commanding the defense fleet during the Dominion war?
Star Trek: Exploring The Consequences Of A Borgless Galaxy
At the start of the show, the morally turbulent Sisko is made out to be something of a loose cannon, someone who Starfleet does not think too highly of. It’s important to that when he was put in charge of DS9, it was before the wormhole to the gamma quadrant opened up. When he took command, the space station had no real significance or importance. Instead, it was a run down old Cardassian station in the middle of nowhere. Starfleet effectively tried to sweep Sisko under the rug, banishing him to the other side of the quadrant. When the wormhole opened up, however, this all changed. Now the station was at the forefront of a new and unexplored quadrant of space, and became one of the most tactically advantageous positions for the Federation.
If it were up to Starfleet at this point, with Sisko’s track record, they would most likely have replaced him. However, there was that little issue of him becoming the Emissary for the Bajorans. This position was thrust onto Sisko, but meant Starfleet had their hands tied. Replacing him and taking him away from the wormhole would have
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